Fall Pears


Floradora went outside with her basket…




…on a fine fall morning when the dew was still wet…




…and the sun beginning to glow on the pears.




The pears were much too big for Floradora’s basket…




…and there were too many!




Jane is studying the pear section of her cookbook: pear and cream cheese muffins; pear pie; crumble; tarte tatin; pear in our breakfast cereal, on green salad, and fruit salad; raw pears off the tree; pear jam; canned pears…a Hitty friend made some chutney!

All the pears are ready all at once! Where to start?





15 thoughts on “Fall Pears

  1. So glad to see that you have an abundance of pears. We too are celebrating the fact that our pear trees have produced an overwhelming amount of fruit this year too. Our latest “recipe” is to give some away!

  2. We have the same problem, pears are short-lived in a fruit bowl and the harvest is enormous! I am poaching some in port and canning them. Fortunately, stewed pears and dried pears are popular here too.

  3. They all ripen right now. The reason we look at the produce with both pleasure and dismay. What to do first! And second, and third.
    That’s why they’re so good.

    • The Quimper kitchen is absolutely chock-a-block with pears, and the compost bin with peelings, stems and cores! We’ve made so many of our favourite recipes…but the Jam might be our favourite!

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