Warm in the Fall


The first day of fall…




…Henrietta helped Floradora look through the long-sleeved dresses in the wardrobe…




…this one looks cute and fits well!




Time to get the autumn rugs and quilts out too…




Henrietta and Floradora love the warm glow of autumn!





8 thoughts on “Warm in the Fall

  1. Hello Henrietta and Floradora!

    I love this season of snuggly quilts, root vegetable soups, harvest festivals and warm, wool sweaters. It is my birth season and both my children are late September born too, perhaps that is the reason?

    Like most British homes in the 50s/60s, our bedrooms were unheated, even in the worst winter weather but this was the time my brother and I used to call kitty snuggle season as our two cats would each begin to follow one of us up to bed and share body warmth with us. I need to provide more quilts and more kitties for the growing Radnor Forest Hittys. Even wooden toes may feel the cold soon!

    • Kitty Snuggle season – I love it! I lived in the UK for six years without central heating – or a cat! I hope the Radnor Forest Hittys and humans have cats, hot water bottles and cups of tea to warm them!

  2. What a plentiful and colorful array of warmth and apparel your lovely Hittys unearthed! You’ve surely helped autumn step into our view…love it! Becky J

  3. What treasures!! The girls have such a great selection of autumnal clothing and accessories. That dress is the perfect color for Floradora. Love the rugs and quilts!!! The Quimper human is so talented. Lucky girls.

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