The Garden Subsides

St John’s Wort

We love this time of year when the garden subsides and most of the leaves in my part of the world turn brown…but some leaves go through yellow, orange and red first before they fall off!



Witch Hazel

…the leaves are already gone from the Witch Hazel, but you can see the interesting seed pods from this year’s flowers, and the buds that will become next year’s!




Garry Oak

Our little Garry Oak, grown from an acorn planted in a flowerpot by one of my kids, suffered badly during the hard frosts of last winter, and we thought it had died.  But it was a hardier tree than we thought and put out a lot of new growth this summer.



Quince leaves

The quince leaves are so pretty – a light, beautiful green in Spring, and a beautiful yellow with a pink stem in Fall.



Big Apple!

We had no real apples on our little tree this year, but maybe this gourd, (painted to look like an apple) might encourage the tree to think fruitful thoughts this winter!




It has been an autumn filled with preoccupations, and distressing events in the human household.  I feel a bit like we stopped noticing the outside world in late summer, and here we are almost at the end of November…



Dogwood leaf

…the seasons change whether I notice or not – I actually find that encouraging.






25 thoughts on “The Garden Subsides

  1. I am sorry to hear that life has been difficult for you of late. But like you I find it reassuring that the seasons keep on going whether I am watching or not.

  2. I too am sorry for the distressing times you’ve walked through. The Garry Oak’s hardiness is a good reminder to me that despite setbacks there is and can be growth. Take care. Becky J

  3. Aside from the natural world, which is always encouraging, there is also the love and concern of your friends, which also never changes.

  4. I am holding you in my heart as you navigate the challenges in your life. We too, have been navigating an incredibly difficult year. I appreciate how your beautiful posts bring joy into my and so many other people’s lives! Thank you and bless your heart! ❤

  5. Been thinking of you in these difficult times you’ve had. Thank you so much for the simple but magical beauty of your Quimper Hitty posts. They are a blessing in today’s world. ❤️

  6. A lovely visit to the garden. I am sorry your year has been one of such challenges. I am glad your garden and little people can keep you company . Thank you for sharing them with us.

    • It is definitely sweater weather around here. Flora was happy to catch a glimpse of the last leaves on the dogwood trees before they blew away in the autumn storms. Peace and calm will come – like the spring!

  7. I’m so glad you were able to find a moment with Floradora to reconnect with the outdoors and with each other. Some may scoff at connecting with a doll, but I find dolls’ company quite grounding as they persevere with endless patience for human strife just like the seasons.

    • They do – I am so glad I have my little wooden companions in my pocket at difficult times. I find them very encouraging, and they also help me to see small beautiful things in the world even in hard times!

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