Tea Cups and Cutlery




While the human was in Oregon, she and her carving companions made a small excursion to the local Antique Store “The Butler Did It“.  With complete and utter delight, the human noticed a partial set of blue painted tin tea cups, saucers and plates. They were purchased because they exactly matched the tea things back in the Quimper Hitty Cupboard.  In this picture, the knives, forks, spoons and items in front of them are from the shop in Oregon. Behind the cutlery is the tea set from the human’s grandma…a perfect exact match!



Gráinne thinks the tea things are rather dainty…


More Tea

More Tea

…and helped to carefully stack them out of the way…

Straight from the bottle

Straight from the bottle

…because she prefers to drink her grog straight from the bottle.

Mary Ann thinks she might have to give Gráinne some lessons in correct Hitty deportment.

18 thoughts on “Tea Cups and Cutlery

  1. How very exciting for you and for your human. Congratuations on a new and lovely invstment for your home!
    Roberta Not-Quite-Hitty

  2. Well, that was meant to be! What delicious synchronicity! And, it looks like Constance and Mary Ann might have their hands full with Grainne! She might be leading Tatty and the Twins and Min into some major mischief!

  3. oh how lovely. And so special that the original set came from your Grandmother…wow. What a wonderful find. I agree it was meant to be! And now for Grainne …I think Mary Ann had better set aside a good bit of time to get your little Pirate Miss tea party ready!!! Should be interesting. Min must be totally besotted with Grainne!!!

  4. Looks to me that it’s more likely Grainne will influence Tatty than that Mary Ann will influence either of them. Tatty looks absolutely delighted with her new sister.

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