Tansy visits Kiixin again



Tansy and Favourite Photographer have been trying to visit Kiixin again.  Good records exist going back several decades, and the crew was there to do an update using new recording methods. The goal is to get a sense of how climate change is affecting this archaeological village site, but the last two attempts to visit were cancelled because of bad storms…a little rain fell on the way out there…






…but Tansy was very glad to see the clouds blow away and sun emerge!




The woods flashed past…




…and the little river…




…they stopped several times to stretch their legs – here is Tansy gazing at the Alberni Canal…




…and after over four hours of driving (on an almost brand new road) they finally arrived at the Argo’s Landing guest house in Bamfield…tomorrow the work begins!



12 thoughts on “Tansy visits Kiixin again

  1. Looks like the fav photographer and Tansy had a lovely ride before their work starts. I trust it will be a fruitful time for all involved.

  2. Beautiful travel, and the weather seems nice too. I loved your photographs, Tansy looks happy, this is amazing place to visit, Thank you dear Hitty Lady, have a nice and enjoyable weekend, Love, nia

    • They were very lucky with the weather! and the road has been much improved. Tansy loves visiting Kiixin, I have never been there, I’ll have to ask the Favourite Photographer if I can tag along next time!

    • The previous two attempts were cancelled, one because of an atmospheric river, and the second one because of extreme windy conditions. This time they were lucky! A few drops of rain on the way out there, and beautiful weather the rest of the time!

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