Tansy’s visit to Kiixin


Tansy and her favourite photographer went to visit an old village site called Kiix̣in, which is in Huu-ay-aht territory.

She stopped to admire the gazebo,





headed off down the new boardwalk, 




and enjoyed a few berries.



low tide

On this beautiful sunny day, Tansy and the photographer were accompanied by Stella who was their tour
guide and old friend.



Interpreter’s notes using drawings extracted from Favourite Photographer’s publications about the village

She is also the site’s main tour guide and very a knowledgeable person, who helped with the archaeological work at the site in the 1980’s which led to the information and understanding of the structures and village layout.




The site has been commemorated as a National Historic Site…



Watchman’s cabin

…and after learning from the successful Haida program, the Huu-ay-aht are now building a Watchman’s cabin to support and protect the site.



Sandy Beach

This is one of the beautiful, pristine sandy beaches on the way to Kiix̣in.



adze marks

 Tansy got the special tour to a part of the site not accessible to the tourists and here she and the photographer helped inspect the posts and beams and interpret the house depressions.




They looked at structures like this one…




and some of the posts which were well on the way to being consumed by the forest.




This one has salal growing out the top.




Tansy was allowed to do the detailed inspection as she does not weigh enough to cause damage….




…and she got right up close to some of the plants that are colonising the old village.



higher tide

The walk back along the beaches was so beautiful…



beach wrack

…they stopped to look at the interesting stuff tossed up at the tide lines…




…and sat and soaked up the sun, the history and the atmosphere of this beautiful place…



photographer and his favourite Hitty – photo credit to colleague Seonaid

…and took a few more photographs…



Board walk

…before taking the boardwalk back to the car at the end of the day.



12 thoughts on “Tansy’s visit to Kiixin

  1. Tansy certainly doesn’t lead a dull life!!!! She takes us along to the most inspiring places!!! We are grateful she lets us share her wonderful adventures so graciously! Thank you kindly.

  2. Yes, thank you kindly from me too. It’s great that the favorite photographer and Tansy get to visit these unique spots on Earth and we all get to learn of the cultures that rarely might be made known to us. It’s certainly an honor to follow along the “boardwalks” that come our way in your most pleasant and pleasing narratives.

    • We are glad that you share these experiences with us. I feel we are richer from knowing about these places, and visiting them with Tansy and the photographer…some day I hope to walk that boardwalk with them!

  3. Yes, thank you kindly from me also…Dollhouselady and Becky conveyed my thoughts and feelings perfectly…we all enjoy these wonderful places that Tansy and “Favorite Photographer” share with us. They are places I would never have seen or even known about were it not for them.

    • You are welcome from all of us – one of our favourite things is to have a new place to visit and learn about via Tansy and her favourite photographer. The rest of the Quimper Hitty cupboard learns a lot too!

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