September Beach

Down to the Beach

An after school walk to the beach…



Crab Hunt

…to look for crabs!




Gráinne and Cooky couldn’t find any crabs because the tide was in!




They climbed up rocks instead…




…at the top it was really sunny…




…they sat up there wishing they could swim.




But instead they found a strange plant…




…and played hide and seek…




…and gazed out to sea some more, from a bit of bedrock…




…and from a bit of driftwood.




Then they decided to cross a giant driftwood bridge…




…it was a very long bridge…




…so they sat down to enjoy the horizon for a while.




At the end of the driftwood bridge, Gráinne was very helpful and generous – she made a dolly bridge so Cooky could cross the last little bit.




They climbed up the rock instead of crossing back over the log…




…and had a lovely rest part way up.




The last thing they did at the beach was a little sun-basking…




…then Gráinne did her best to help Cooky up the stairs…



Up the steps

…up she went…




…then she reached up to the next step.




Gráinne got tired of that method so she decided to give Cooky a piggyback ride…




…and as the evening shadows began to lengthen…




…they strolled home to the Hitty Cupboard.






17 thoughts on “September Beach

  1. It’s good to see young human again. She’s getting so tall! Gráinne was such a generous little wooden to help Cooky have a great exploratory journey to the beach. I’m impressed with her agility!

    • We were happy to visit the beach again! And even if the tide was disappointingly high and the crabs were off doing crabby things elsewhere, there were still magical moments to enjoy and savour!

  2. I can guess who voiced this story, she is growing up. What grade did she start? Cooky is cute in her sun suit romper, Grainne is taking very good care of her. Charming adventure in a beautiful location.

  3. What a wonderful outing! Grainne is such a patient, kind guardian for little Cooky too.
    The last photo is simply amazing, it looks as though they are passing through blue stars in a green sky!

    • We were so surprised by the blue stars in the green sky – the Gentian is usually out in springtime! We had fun on our outing – the company was excellent and the beach a neverending source of delights!

    • Gráinne is not immune from a little hero-worship…she thinks Cooky is the cutest little thing! Young Human continues to offer her suggestions and help, storylines and amusements! We just love it!

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