Beautiful Things in the February Garden

Calla Lily Slime

The recent freezing weather turned all the Calla Lilies into slime…at least the part above ground. We are pretty sure the rhizomes will have survived to send up new shoots!





But many beautiful things survived the cold, like this sweet mauve crocus – one of a package given to me by a kind and generous family member that I planted in clumps all over the garden…



Yellow Crocus

…and this yellow Crocus! We love the red stripes!!




These early early miniature irises are such pretty flowers, and apparently delicious too, because the first one to bloom got eaten by a cutworm! The entire garden is waking up – even the pests!



Witch Hazel

This corner of the garden glows at this time of year, whatever the weather! We love the sweet and astringent smell of this little shrub almost as much as we love looking at it!




 And here in the very back corner of the garden, we found our beautiful cat sitting on a stack of fence posts! The garden is full of beautiful things!




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