Forest & Bakery


Lavender decided to visit her quimper hitty friends for…



Forest walk

…a lovely forest walk!




The forest was was so awstrikingly nature-like…



Mossy rest

…that they decided to rest for a while before continuing.



Hollow stump

They found an amazing hollow nursing stump so tall that youngest human could stand in it…



Log rest

…and the hittys could sit on it, but they were exhausted and needed some food…



Out of the woods

…so youngest human took them somewhere tasty…




…where they ate a spanakopita…



Italian soda

…drank some Italian soda…



Life giving tea

…and some soothing tea that was a major part of getting them back on their feet.



Rasberry dessert

Even though they all think dessert was the most amazingly delicious way to end the day!




12 thoughts on “Forest & Bakery

  1. Ah, Nature and food….all so comforting and especially nice with little wooden dolls coming along. It’s so nice that you have Young Human at your side at times to enjoy life with.

    • It was fun, though the older human knees were not quite up to being able to climb into the hollow tree unfortunately! We all kept exclaiming how beautiful and quiet the forest was.

  2. The tree stump you were resting in is amazing! Nature is so restorative. Thank you for sharing – I felt revived just by looking at all the pictures!

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