Happy dress Scraps

Scrap Heap

I have been making clothing for a doll workshop event that will take place in October. I began with 36 identical dresses made with specially printed fabric! The sweet dresses will be a surprise for the participants so I won’t show them here (some of them read this blog)! There were not many scraps of fabric left after the dressmaking, but with what there was, I eked out out some pantalettes…



Waistbands and buttons

…and used some vintage buttons also leftover from the dressmaking.



Gathered to Waistband

The construction is simple – I had many to make, and very little material so I adjusted my pattern to cut down on the time and fabric-consuming seams.




Just one main pattern piece: longer at the back for ease in the seat; gathered onto a waistband with more fullness at the back;



Centre Back

…then the centre back sewn closed leaving an opening big enough to fit over dolly hips. Each pair of dolly pantalettes has a scrap of lace sewn at the ankles. The lace scraps were given to me Lady Frances’s carver, who hoped I could use them in future dolly dressmaking – this is a perfect use for them!




I worked on four at a time…




…which seemed to make the sewing go faster.



Seam finishing

All seams are finished nicely – I don’t like clothes that unravel and shred, and neither do my Hittys.



Right side out

After turning right way out…



Button loop

…I sewed on a button and worked a nice loop fastener.




All the Quimper Hittys were excited…



X 36

…but a little disappointed to hear that they were all going away to other homes.




Tipsy thought she should make sure they were all the right size, which led to a little frolic…




…which led to a scolding…




…but Tipsy was unrepentant! The pantalettes have all gone off to be re-united with the dresses, and each participant at the October event will receive a hand carved doll dressed in them!



ScrapHappy is a group of bloggers (links below) who post monthly about using up scraps! Any genuine scraps are allowed – no new materials. Blog posts are published on the 15th of the month, and it is always a treat to see what ingenious things people are doing with bits and pieces saved from the scrap heaps! If you think you’d like to join the group, contact Kate or Gun who devised and run it – their blogs are the first two links below:


29 thoughts on “Happy dress Scraps

  1. With Mormor, the respected book, and those lovely hand (and well) sewn pantalettes, I feel like I’ve stepped back into an earlier time period. When October has passed, might we be able to view the fruits of yours and the carver(s)’ labors?

    • I will definitely! The new girl may arrive early so I can play with her! October seems suddenly closer than it did – I am just very glad to have got the clothes done in time!

  2. I am amazed. I thought the pantalettes were beautiful at the harem pant stage in the middle of the post, and then you went on with finished seams, tiny buttons, and buttonhole loops! Gorgeous.

    • We wanted the pants to stay up, and buttons and loops were better-looking and will be longer lasting than the other options. And Mormor really does not not like fraying seams, it’s just too slapdash-looking (and I don’t want to be scolded by her)!

  3. 36 dresses and then pantalettes too, I can’t even wrap my mind, let alone my fingers, around such a project. We need to see the dresses when the secret is out. Momor will have her hands full teaching Tipsy – hope the book helps. Does this mean there will be 36 new Hittys creating new stories? Thanks for all the detailed photos.

    • Yes, I think Tipsy is immune to morality-instruction – but with the biggest heart and cheerfullest smile! Luckily one of the new dolls, completely dressed, will be coming to me, and the 35 others to the other event organisers and all the participants! It’s been lots of fun helping to get ready for it, and there is still more to do! Shall I bring the new girl up the hill for tea with the Happy Gang some day?

  4. I sure like how you made these bloomers so they fit better in the back when Hitty sits down. Thank you for showing how you made them. The retreaters are very lucky to have your sewing skills.

    • A little extra in the seat is just what is needed in a nicely fitting pair of undies! We all hope that the participants will have fun, and love their new dollies to bits!

    • Thanks! I have been sewing by hand for so many years, and this kind of project is just amusing and very satisfying – and little dolls deserve to have their modesty preserved!

  5. woo hoo…..as someone who will be attending that doll gathering I am quite excited! The pantaloons arIe exquisite. I am feeling every bit as frolicsome as Tipsy! Mormor would be lecturing me I fear!!!

    • The Dolls are getting excited too! We hope they and all the humans will be inclined to frolic at the very end – you’ll be in good company – even Mormor, though she may have to resort to a fortifying glass of something to get her in the mood!

  6. I am almost in there… How can I miss these momeents… so beautiful. so beautiful. Especially your talking photographs fascinating me. I am in there the photograph (named “EXCITING!”) and also the book page (“UNREPENTANT”)… Thank you dear, you made day once again. Love, nia

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