Pip and Ginny visit the June Apples

Ginger tin

Pip woke Ginny up…




…and out they went to the apple tree…




…which was a big climb for them…




…to get up to apple-level!




Here is a set of apple twins…



So many apples

…and another set of twins…




…and the biggest apple of them all at the top of the tree!




…there are eight apples on the tree after we picked these two off of two places where there were triplets of apples.  Hopefully this will give the remaining apples all the energy they need to produce fine fruit.  We’ll add the two mini apples to our first batch of black currant jelly (not that it will need additional pectin but we can’t stand to waste the baby apples!)



11 thoughts on “Pip and Ginny visit the June Apples

  1. They are so lovely, and how exciting all these nature, I love apple too much. I hope our apple tree to give us apple this Summer. Thank you dear Hitty Lady, I missed you all. Love, nia

  2. This simple jaunt and fruit of Pip and Ginny’s labors has touched a deep chord within me. I can never thank you enough dear human for your wonderful posts and photos. They are so simple and basic yet beautifully portrayed each time.

    • Oh drat those squirrels! We have raccoons that can be very pestiferous…fortunately there are other more bountifully laden trees nearby so we hope the little bandits will just hurple on past our little tree to those ones!

  3. Delicious blackcurrants! I’ve never understood why they simply don’t have them in the US, they’re such a fundamental flavour of British and Australian cooking.

    • I believe there was a concern that the ribes fruits could import a particular fungus that would harm the North American forest industry, it was actually illegal to import them for a time. Now that resistant varieties have been developed it might be already too late for the taste to be acquired generally.

  4. They are so tiny! Your garden is ahead of mine – my blackcurrants are just beginning to blush. And my apple tres are not giving me much this year. I hope you all enjoy the blackcurrant jelly.

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