Larking About in the Garden


The humans have had some windows replaced, Mudlark and Guttersnipe very much approve of the new fog-and-condensation-free view!




Mudlark found the garden very alluring and gallivanted out to the Echinacea…











St John’s Wort

…and St John’s Wort.




Then she rested in the purple cabbage…




…before gathering some blossoms to bring inside.



Beauty Inside and Out






10 thoughts on “Larking About in the Garden

  1. I want to rest in a purple cabbage! What a delightful garden tour. Keep naming the flowers. I might really learn them someday.

    • It is a beautiful cabbage with lovely large restful-looking leaves. Apparently babies are sometimes found under a cabbage leaf in the garden (as opposed to being dropped off on a chimney by a stork)!

  2. This is Love. In every stage (photograph) I am being lost… What a beautiful colours, what a beautiful world that you created. How makes me feel good… I can jump into them… This is actually a kind of poetry that was written by your handwork art and by your camera… The colours that you brought them together amazing… Yes, I fall in love. Thank you dear Hitty Lady, Love, nia

    • I love it when Mudlark and Guttersnipe are inspired to go out and play in the garden! This is the blaze of glorious colours that I love…and see in my mind’s eye when I look out the (now not foggy) window in winter and dream about!

    • She dreams and wonders what might have been…after a hundred years in the Thames mud, she is grateful to have been dug up, washed, and sent to Canada, where she ended up in a garden lounging on a cabbage. Isn’t life weird?

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