Spring Time

Spring Time

It’s been a long, soggy, chilly end of winter, but finally there are signs of spring.  Mormor’s mini daffodils are blooming in their pot…



Daffodil Time

…and Arianell’s daffodils are poking up in the gardens…



Time Change

…and it’s Daylight Saving’s Time!! Jane says don’t forget to change the clocks!






11 thoughts on “Spring Time

  1. It’s so nice to see that Spring is coming forth in your neck of the woods. Here, smaller blades of grass and other plants are emerging as the new little lambs and older ones find them to nibble on. The daffodils are still just blades, but most have emerged from the ground and we now see some buds. It’s nice to enjoy this season with you and others. Becky J

    • Our grass is getting so long, I wish we had a lamb to nibble it! The ground is too soggy to mow, we’ll have to get out there with a scythe pretty soon! But it is indeed very nice to see things begin to blossom!

  2. And I believe it is the human’s birthday tomorrow.

    A special day indeed.

    Happy birthday greetings are being sent your way, hope you have a lovely day.


    Donna Bell

    • The yellow sweater was made specially so Arianell could blend in with the daffodils, I am glad you liked it…and Jane loves her clock – it is so easy to change the time on it!

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