
Striped dress

Constance put on a striped dress…



Striped warp

…because our friend invited us to weave on her grey, yellow white and red-striped warp! These are her tea towels – each worked with different combinations of weft colours; we liked the closest one best…



Striped weft

…and Constance helped weave a stripey tea towel for us!



two weft colours

We used orange and pink wefts…



Orange at work

…and when one colour is being worked, the other is at rest. Here is the Orange going through the shed of warps…



At rest

…and here is the orange at rest.




I am sure there is some weaving algebra in here: {(x = 1,2,3,4 followed by y= 5,6,7,8)+ 1234 }x 6, and repeated five times, …and then changing colours every four throws of the shuttle…



Keeping track

…it’s pretty important to keep track…




..and to beat the reed evenly…




…and occasionally checking from below…




…we’ve finished our tea towel over two days of weaving, with a burgundy stripe for the hem…there are, I think, two more towels worth of warp on the loom before  it can be cut off the loom, but what fun!

Thanks to our friend for letting us have a couple of lovely days of weaving!




16 thoughts on “Stripes!

    • There is a shuttle race on this loom…I think Constance is leaning her head on it in the picture from below the warp…also, we have often thought that a boat shuttle could be a worthy vessel in a race, if only there wasn’t a side hole in it for the bobbin to unwind through! Is there another kind of shuttle race?!

      • oh, yes the shuttle race I was referring to is actually a race down a hill/incline. We had races at the Conference at UVic and they are often at other conferences. Different shuttles can be significantly different weights, you can leave the bobbin full or empty etc. Folks decorate the bobbins and make bets on a winner, it’s part of the silliness. 🙂

  1. WOW! This is great work, I loved so much. So admirable what you did. And also photographs are so beautiful, Thank you dear Hitty Lady, Love, nia

    • Thank you nia! We enjoy weaving and are so glad that our friend shares her weaving time and materials with us! Constance always keeps me company - at the opera, in the weaving room…


  2. What a great friend! I love your tea-towel but I don’t think I could bear to use such a lovely hand made thing to dry the dishes!

  3. I really like the pink and orange together, and the striped pattern you and Constance chose. It seems like it might be very meditative work, once the pattern is set up?

    • I liked that combination best, but my friend likes the one with the white square blocks surrounding the other colours (right behind Constance in the second photo)…It is great the variety of colour and pattern combinations you can make with this warp! This particular pattern is not meditative because there are eight pedals and changing colour and direction of the twill every four throws… if I lose concentration on the pattern, I make mistakes!

  4. You and Constance have done a splendid job with your weaving making the tea towel. Am I right that this is a yearly journey you make to your friend’s to do this? What a wonderful opportunity you have. Thank you for sharing all of those stripes/tea towels with us.

    • Luckily my friend lives just across town from me so it can be a more frequent occurrence, but it is entirely dependent on her, and her chosen projects. They aren’t all shareable projects, but they often are, luckily for me, since I gave one of my looms away and the other is in storage at the moment!

    • Weaving is mostly complicated in the setting-up. At least the things I have made are that way, but my loom has only four harnesses and so is more limited in options. My friend’s loom has eight! Way more scope for complications!

  5. I could never weave complex patterns like that for the same reason that I can’t follow a knitting or crochet pattern. I can’t hold that stuff in my mind. Lovely work, and I’m glad Constance is interested. I wonder what a Hitty-loom would look like!

  6. I am glad that my friend makes most of the pattern decisions, as I don’t look at the words and see a future weaving as she seems to be able to do. Pictures help! I am lucky also that the patterns make sense to me in charts where I can work them up line by line! Constance has a loom! She had better dust it off and put on a new warp!

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